Take that, ya li'l red Buzzard!
Roger, Houston, we have liftoff!
(Joel) |
Concha training a new recruit
Beware of innocent child packing 45!
(Jasmine) |
Richard, is that a PERIOD cell
phone? |
Anyone, see my hat?
(Dave) |
Fernando, school'in the rest of us. |
Good form, Dalayne. Notice the bell
boot (or lackthereof) |
You want I should step on it, boss?
(Lance) |
The last thing you'll ever see it you
find yourself on the wrong end of Concha's 45 |
Kathy on the home stretch |
Look'in good, Trudy! |
Let me introduce you to my li'l
friend (Jesse) |
Thought ya gave me the slip, eh?
(Johnathan) |
Got Mr. White; now where's Mr. Red
(Joel) |
Lance, staring down the ememy |
Take THAT! You..you..balloon!
(Kathy) |
Trudy com'in round the corner!
Jesse do'in the Hi-Ho
(Johnathan) |
Klaus tak'in careful aim
Boys, look out; here she comes!
(Jasmine) |
Richard pack'in a flamethrower
Dave on the move
Dalayne is Airborne!